Saturday, April 8, 2023

Virtual Mouse using hand gesture

The concept of a virtual mouse using hand gestures is to control the movement of the mouse cursor on a computer screen without using a physical mouse. Instead, the user can use hand gestures captured by a camera or sensor to move the cursor and perform actions like clicking and scrolling.

The basic idea is to detect the position of the hand in the camera frame and track the movement of the hand to move the mouse cursor accordingly. Hand gestures can be recognized by analyzing the movement and position of the fingers and the palm.

Various computer vision techniques and machine learning algorithms can be used to implement this concept. OpenCV and Mediapipe are two popular libraries that provide hand tracking and gesture recognition functionality. These libraries use deep learning models to detect and track the position of the hand and fingers in real-time video frames.

Once the position of the hand is tracked, the movement of the hand can be mapped to the movement of the mouse cursor on the computer screen. The position of the fingers can be used to simulate mouse clicks, right-clicks, and scrolling actions.

The virtual mouse using hand gestures is a convenient and intuitive way to control the computer without the need for a physical mouse. It can be particularly useful for people with disabilities or those who find it difficult to use a traditional mouse. Additionally, it can be used in situations where a physical mouse is not available, such as in a presentation or a remote desktop environment.

Moving cursor : Middle and index are opened. Remaining finger closed. 

Double click : Joining middle and index finger. 

Right click: folding index finger alone and middle finger unfold. 

Left click: folding middle finger and index finger unfold. 

Dragging folder : closing all the fingers 

To create a virtual mouse using hand gesture recognition with OpenCV and 

Mediapipe, you can follow these steps:

Install OpenCV and Mediapipe libraries.

Source Code:
# Imports

import cv2
import mediapipe as mp
import pyautogui
import math
from enum import IntEnum
from ctypes import cast, POINTER
from comtypes import CLSCTX_ALL
from pycaw.pycaw import AudioUtilities, IAudioEndpointVolume
from google.protobuf.json_format import MessageToDict
import screen_brightness_control as sbcontrol

pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False
mp_drawing =
mp_hands =

# Gesture Encodings 
class Gest(IntEnum):
    # Binary Encoded
    FIST = 0
    PINKY = 1
    RING = 2
    MID = 4
    LAST3 = 7
    INDEX = 8
    FIRST2 = 12
    LAST4 = 15
    THUMB = 16    
    PALM = 31
    # Extra Mappings
    V_GEST = 33
    PINCH_MAJOR = 35
    PINCH_MINOR = 36

# Multi-handedness Labels
class HLabel(IntEnum):
    MINOR = 0
    MAJOR = 1

# Convert Mediapipe Landmarks to recognizable Gestures
class HandRecog:
    def __init__(self, hand_label):
        self.finger = 0
        self.ori_gesture = Gest.PALM
        self.prev_gesture = Gest.PALM
        self.frame_count = 0
        self.hand_result = None
        self.hand_label = hand_label
    def update_hand_result(self, hand_result):
        self.hand_result = hand_result

    def get_signed_dist(self, point):
        sign = -1
        if self.hand_result.landmark[point[0]].y < self.hand_result.landmark[point[1]].y:
            sign = 1
        dist = (self.hand_result.landmark[point[0]].x - self.hand_result.landmark[point[1]].x)**2
        dist += (self.hand_result.landmark[point[0]].y - self.hand_result.landmark[point[1]].y)**2
        dist = math.sqrt(dist)
        return dist*sign
    def get_dist(self, point):
        dist = (self.hand_result.landmark[point[0]].x - self.hand_result.landmark[point[1]].x)**2
        dist += (self.hand_result.landmark[point[0]].y - self.hand_result.landmark[point[1]].y)**2
        dist = math.sqrt(dist)
        return dist
    def get_dz(self,point):
        return abs(self.hand_result.landmark[point[0]].z - self.hand_result.landmark[point[1]].z)
    # Function to find Gesture Encoding using current finger_state.
    # Finger_state: 1 if finger is open, else 0
    def set_finger_state(self):
        if self.hand_result == None:

        points = [[8,5,0],[12,9,0],[16,13,0],[20,17,0]]
        self.finger = 0
        self.finger = self.finger | 0 #thumb
        for idx,point in enumerate(points):
            dist = self.get_signed_dist(point[:2])
            dist2 = self.get_signed_dist(point[1:])
                ratio = round(dist/dist2,1)
                ratio = round(dist1/0.01,1)

            self.finger = self.finger << 1
            if ratio > 0.5 :
                self.finger = self.finger | 1

    # Handling Fluctations due to noise
    def get_gesture(self):
        if self.hand_result == None:
            return Gest.PALM

        current_gesture = Gest.PALM
        if self.finger in [Gest.LAST3,Gest.LAST4] and self.get_dist([8,4]) < 0.05:
            if self.hand_label == HLabel.MINOR :
                current_gesture = Gest.PINCH_MINOR
                current_gesture = Gest.PINCH_MAJOR

        elif Gest.FIRST2 == self.finger :
            point = [[8,12],[5,9]]
            dist1 = self.get_dist(point[0])
            dist2 = self.get_dist(point[1])
            ratio = dist1/dist2
            if ratio > 1.7:
                current_gesture = Gest.V_GEST
                if self.get_dz([8,12]) < 0.1:
                    current_gesture =  Gest.TWO_FINGER_CLOSED
                    current_gesture =  Gest.MID
            current_gesture =  self.finger
        if current_gesture == self.prev_gesture:
            self.frame_count += 1
            self.frame_count = 0

        self.prev_gesture = current_gesture

        if self.frame_count > 4 :
            self.ori_gesture = current_gesture
        return self.ori_gesture

# Executes commands according to detected gestures
class Controller:
    tx_old = 0
    ty_old = 0
    trial = True
    flag = False
    grabflag = False
    pinchmajorflag = False
    pinchminorflag = False
    pinchstartxcoord = None
    pinchstartycoord = None
    pinchdirectionflag = None
    prevpinchlv = 0
    pinchlv = 0
    framecount = 0
    prev_hand = None
    pinch_threshold = 0.3
    def getpinchylv(hand_result):
        dist = round((Controller.pinchstartycoord - hand_result.landmark[8].y)*10,1)
        return dist

    def getpinchxlv(hand_result):
        dist = round((hand_result.landmark[8].x - Controller.pinchstartxcoord)*10,1)
        return dist
    def changesystembrightness():
        currentBrightnessLv = sbcontrol.get_brightness()/100.0
        currentBrightnessLv += Controller.pinchlv/50.0
        if currentBrightnessLv > 1.0:
            currentBrightnessLv = 1.0
        elif currentBrightnessLv < 0.0:
            currentBrightnessLv = 0.0       
        sbcontrol.fade_brightness(int(100*currentBrightnessLv) , start = sbcontrol.get_brightness())
    def changesystemvolume():
        devices = AudioUtilities.GetSpeakers()
        interface = devices.Activate(IAudioEndpointVolume._iid_, CLSCTX_ALL, None)
        volume = cast(interface, POINTER(IAudioEndpointVolume))
        currentVolumeLv = volume.GetMasterVolumeLevelScalar()
        currentVolumeLv += Controller.pinchlv/50.0
        if currentVolumeLv > 1.0:
            currentVolumeLv = 1.0
        elif currentVolumeLv < 0.0:
            currentVolumeLv = 0.0
        volume.SetMasterVolumeLevelScalar(currentVolumeLv, None)
    def scrollVertical():
        pyautogui.scroll(120 if Controller.pinchlv>0.0 else -120)
    def scrollHorizontal():
        pyautogui.scroll(-120 if Controller.pinchlv>0.0 else 120)

    # Locate Hand to get Cursor Position
    # Stabilize cursor by Dampening
    def get_position(hand_result):
        point = 9
        position = [hand_result.landmark[point].x ,hand_result.landmark[point].y]
        sx,sy = pyautogui.size()
        x_old,y_old = pyautogui.position()
        x = int(position[0]*sx)
        y = int(position[1]*sy)
        if Controller.prev_hand is None:
            Controller.prev_hand = x,y
        delta_x = x - Controller.prev_hand[0]
        delta_y = y - Controller.prev_hand[1]

        distsq = delta_x**2 + delta_y**2
        ratio = 1
        Controller.prev_hand = [x,y]

        if distsq <= 25:
            ratio = 0
        elif distsq <= 900:
            ratio = 0.07 * (distsq ** (1/2))
            ratio = 2.1
        x , y = x_old + delta_x*ratio , y_old + delta_y*ratio
        return (x,y)

    def pinch_control_init(hand_result):
        Controller.pinchstartxcoord = hand_result.landmark[8].x
        Controller.pinchstartycoord = hand_result.landmark[8].y
        Controller.pinchlv = 0
        Controller.prevpinchlv = 0
        Controller.framecount = 0

    # Hold final position for 5 frames to change status
    def pinch_control(hand_result, controlHorizontal, controlVertical):
        if Controller.framecount == 5:
            Controller.framecount = 0
            Controller.pinchlv = Controller.prevpinchlv

            if Controller.pinchdirectionflag == True:
                controlHorizontal() #x

            elif Controller.pinchdirectionflag == False:
                controlVertical() #y

        lvx =  Controller.getpinchxlv(hand_result)
        lvy =  Controller.getpinchylv(hand_result)
        if abs(lvy) > abs(lvx) and abs(lvy) > Controller.pinch_threshold:
            Controller.pinchdirectionflag = False
            if abs(Controller.prevpinchlv - lvy) < Controller.pinch_threshold:
                Controller.framecount += 1
                Controller.prevpinchlv = lvy
                Controller.framecount = 0

        elif abs(lvx) > Controller.pinch_threshold:
            Controller.pinchdirectionflag = True
            if abs(Controller.prevpinchlv - lvx) < Controller.pinch_threshold:
                Controller.framecount += 1
                Controller.prevpinchlv = lvx
                Controller.framecount = 0

    def handle_controls(gesture, hand_result):        
        x,y = None,None
        if gesture != Gest.PALM :
            x,y = Controller.get_position(hand_result)
        # flag reset
        if gesture != Gest.FIST and Controller.grabflag:
            Controller.grabflag = False
            pyautogui.mouseUp(button = "left")

        if gesture != Gest.PINCH_MAJOR and Controller.pinchmajorflag:
            Controller.pinchmajorflag = False

        if gesture != Gest.PINCH_MINOR and Controller.pinchminorflag:
            Controller.pinchminorflag = False

        # implementation
        if gesture == Gest.V_GEST:
            Controller.flag = True
            pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, duration = 0.1)

        elif gesture == Gest.FIST:
            if not Controller.grabflag : 
                Controller.grabflag = True
                pyautogui.mouseDown(button = "left")
            pyautogui.moveTo(x, y, duration = 0.1)

        elif gesture == Gest.MID and Controller.flag:
            Controller.flag = False

        elif gesture == Gest.INDEX and Controller.flag:
            Controller.flag = False

        elif gesture == Gest.TWO_FINGER_CLOSED and Controller.flag:
            Controller.flag = False

        elif gesture == Gest.PINCH_MINOR:
            if Controller.pinchminorflag == False:
                Controller.pinchminorflag = True
            Controller.pinch_control(hand_result,Controller.scrollHorizontal, Controller.scrollVertical)
        elif gesture == Gest.PINCH_MAJOR:
            if Controller.pinchmajorflag == False:
                Controller.pinchmajorflag = True
            Controller.pinch_control(hand_result,Controller.changesystembrightness, Controller.changesystemvolume)
----------------------------------------  Main Class  ----------------------------------------
    Entry point of Gesture Controller

class GestureController:
    gc_mode = 0
    cap = None
    CAM_HEIGHT = None
    CAM_WIDTH = None
    hr_major = None # Right Hand by default
    hr_minor = None # Left hand by default
    dom_hand = True

    def __init__(self):
        GestureController.gc_mode = 1
        GestureController.cap = cv2.VideoCapture(0)
        GestureController.CAM_HEIGHT = GestureController.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_HEIGHT)
        GestureController.CAM_WIDTH = GestureController.cap.get(cv2.CAP_PROP_FRAME_WIDTH)
    def classify_hands(results):
        left , right = None,None
            handedness_dict = MessageToDict(results.multi_handedness[0])
            if handedness_dict['classification'][0]['label'] == 'Right':
                right = results.multi_hand_landmarks[0]
            else :
                left = results.multi_hand_landmarks[0]

            handedness_dict = MessageToDict(results.multi_handedness[1])
            if handedness_dict['classification'][0]['label'] == 'Right':
                right = results.multi_hand_landmarks[1]
            else :
                left = results.multi_hand_landmarks[1]
        if GestureController.dom_hand == True:
            GestureController.hr_major = right
            GestureController.hr_minor = left
        else :
            GestureController.hr_major = left
            GestureController.hr_minor = right

    def start(self):
        handmajor = HandRecog(HLabel.MAJOR)
        handminor = HandRecog(HLabel.MINOR)

        with mp_hands.Hands(max_num_hands = 2,min_detection_confidence=0.5, min_tracking_confidence=0.5) as hands:
            while GestureController.cap.isOpened() and GestureController.gc_mode:
                success, image =

                if not success:
                    print("Ignoring empty camera frame.")
                image = cv2.cvtColor(cv2.flip(image, 1), cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
                image.flags.writeable = False
                results = hands.process(image)
                image.flags.writeable = True
                image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_RGB2BGR)

                if results.multi_hand_landmarks:                   

                    gest_name = handminor.get_gesture()

                    if gest_name == Gest.PINCH_MINOR:
                        Controller.handle_controls(gest_name, handminor.hand_result)
                        gest_name = handmajor.get_gesture()
                        Controller.handle_controls(gest_name, handmajor.hand_result)
                    for hand_landmarks in results.multi_hand_landmarks:
                        mp_drawing.draw_landmarks(image, hand_landmarks, mp_hands.HAND_CONNECTIONS)
                    Controller.prev_hand = None
                cv2.imshow('Gesture Controller', image)
                if cv2.waitKey(5) & 0xFF == 13:

# uncomment to run directly
gc1 = GestureController()

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